Fake Uniswap got me
- Category
- Person
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- 4767
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- Vitex Wallet Address:
- vite_470026a7af6d82b3b0a653d30e26eab286a48824655b0906af
- Very Short Reason for Funding:
- Scammed out of 1 ETH on fake uniswap
Why are we asking for funding?
Would anybody be so kind as to hook me up with some Epic? I came home tonight after a drink or two, i went to uniswap to sell some token for ETH to have gas to trade. I unknowingly was using a fake uniswap and when i did the swap, my token went out and i got nothing in return. I'm really broken up about it. Thanks for your consideration. tx Id for proof: got routed to some random address https://etherscan.io/address/0x7d7902b7d9ee3e775569a33e7390e779ba3386f8
Active since: 9 October 2020 01:48:50Last updated: 9 November 2020 03:07:15