WA Freedom Cell
- Category
- Cause
- Profile Views
- 3973
- Kudos Awarded
- Vitex Wallet Address:
- vite_ed59ad97337eda9ff29e6e84956fe94f40aeb1b7f4b86eb5b2
- Optional HTTPS transfer address for Epic Cash GUI or CLI transfers:
- https://gateway.vgate.io/gateway/epic-deposit/vite_ed59ad97337eda9ff29e6e84956fe94f40aeb1b7f4b86eb5b2-79859
- Very Short Reason for Funding:
- Activism and education within Western Australia
Why are we asking for funding?
Spreading awareness, growing community and developing solutions in Western Australia and beyond.
Join the discussion on Telegram https://t.me/WAFreedomcell
Active since: 7 February 2021 21:17:45Last updated: 7 February 2021 21:29:47