Anon_Vite Philippines
- Category
- Person
- Profile Views
- 1446
- Kudos Awarded
- Vitex Wallet Address:
- vite_6e77843b5b346e3adae94ecbd8f085be3738ca1d79f72f000f
- Very Short Reason for Funding:
- Kindly support me in creating meaningful content and building while educating Philippines community about Epic Cash.
Why are we asking for funding?
I would like to Support the EpicCash by :
- Setting up Social media accounts like: Facebook, Twitter, Medium, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Reddit (in the Philippines language)
- Translation and publishing a “starter pack” information on social media and forums.
- Community management and support of the Philippines Telegram Community.
- Contributing Valuable content like images, simple vid tutorials about EpicCash.
- Creating meaningful local campaigns regarding Epic Cash.
- Organizing local meetups to educate them more about the Epic Cash (Soon)
Active since: 17 February 2021 15:10:33Last updated: 17 February 2021 15:10:33