- Category
- Content Creator
- Profile Views
- 3402
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- Vitex Wallet Address:
- vite_3c086d68e737b605c196c5df4b9b44579a6e9ab8624f5bbff1
- Very Short Reason for Funding:
- To push Epic Fund Me
Why are we asking for funding?
Hey Guys!
Hope you're all having a great one!
My name is Eisiah - I'm 19 years old, and I'm at university studying Economics. For the past 4-5 years, I have been working on my IG's - which have since amassed over 200k+ followers in the crypto/meme degen niche. Here they are:
We're now hitting nearly 8.5M+ impressions monthly, and it's a blessing to be in the space with all you guys. After speaking to Hayek (who is a pretty awesome dude) - I thought, wouldn't it be a pretty good idea to set up an Epic Fund Me account - for the campaign I am going to undertake? And, I think it'll be kinda cool to look back in 5 years, when EFM has taken the world over by storm, to think I was one of the guys to help kickstart the revolution!!
The purpose of the campaign is to do the following: I want to push you guys, as much as I can on my platforms! As you can see from the pictures, the reach is looking pretty tasty rn, and I feel like it's an untapped market for EFM. The world needs to know about this. It's bringing power to the people, for the people. During this campaign, I'll get up content everywhere, and push into my groups. We got linkable stories with tens to hundreds of thousands of viewers, feed posts, Twitter coverage, group pushes.. ALL of it. Most of the money we raise through this camapign, will be used to redistrubute amongst you guys! Ofc, after covering all content creation costs and what not.
The space has truly blessed me, so this is more so a social experiment that will return to you guys, instead of an ask :) Also, I wanna be one of the hall of famers in 5 years time ;)
Thanks for reading my pitch, please help the cause!!