- Category
- Developer
- Profile Views
- 1329
- Kudos Awarded
- Vitex Wallet Address:
- vite_cbd99cf99b65e1e850a4e4114d8f903aba8bed3b41636af9a0
- Optional HTTPS transfer address for Epic Cash GUI or CLI transfers:
- https://gateway.vgate.io/gateway/epic-deposit/7694948630
- Very Short Reason for Funding:
- Listing of every one that accept Epic Cash in the world
Why are we asking for funding?
Please help me financially so I can create this website.
I bough epiccahs.world to create a repertory of all the stores, services and people that will accept Epic Cash as a form of payment.
I should do a soft launch to get entries in the listing before the offical launch. Your help will be needed at the soft lauch, if your barber accept Epic Cash you will be able to add him in the listing.
Nick Freeman
Active since: 6 November 2021 11:00:27Last updated: 6 November 2021 11:03:08