- Category
- Cause
- Profile Views
- 946
- Kudos Awarded
- Vitex Wallet Address:
- vite_9ef4ce9d737ea47d0561064c4e24c9e0ee8dc5692803922a41
- Very Short Reason for Funding:
- Community Awareness Assistance Provider
Why are we asking for funding?
Onboarding assistance to newcomers to Epic
Helping setup Vite/EpicPay, insuring importance of securing seeds and being HMFIC @ BYOB
"Head MF in Charge @ Being Your OWN Bank" where the customer service # is your own.
Help distributing community funds, troubleshooting assistance with Vite/EP, direct newcomers to appropriate channels based on existing talents to help further the growth of volunteers, donate personal funds onboarding random individuals, bring awareness of Epic by offering tip for everyday good & services (restaurants, car wash, hair cuts, mechanics, lawn care, etc. possibilities are endless.
Provide links to share, like, and vote to increase Epic site algorithms on multiple platforms.
Epic is Going to Change the World and the community here is My 2nd family. Together we can make it possible.