



High School Band Champions Trailer Vinyl Wrap, currently plain white

Why are we asking for funding?

Hello.  I'm one of the volunteers whenever the band has a performance or practice.  After a year of virtual school, and a bunch of freshmen (and Sophomores who are vitually "freshmen" in experience), our band rose to the occasion and won champion in their division during Cavalcade of Bands in Hershey!  Other schools have a fancy trailer representing their school, yet we only have a plain white one.  With the Epic community's help, I'm hoping to raise funds for this.  If somehow, the donations are able to pay for the whole job, I'll get the Epic logo in there.

***UPDATE 2/1/22 We got a quote from a company that will cost a lot less (originally $7K) to do what we need to do.  We just need to get some artwork done, and are going over the details of sponsorship.  The very least, if there's enough donations, we can get an epic logo there and the weblink to get some awareness with high schoolers, teachers and staff.

Active since: 11 January 2022 15:56:07Last updated: 6 February 2022 21:01:57

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