Sam @ustheworld
- Category
- Developer
- Profile Views
- 1412
- Kudos Awarded
- Vitex Wallet Address:
- vite_648d7990fabaeb3cbe4466cc30a12ab87a68d0b3974184b24f
- Very Short Reason for Funding:
Why are we asking for funding?
This website was created to be a laymen’s introduction to Epic Cash. It answers simply the what, the why, and the how? It has easy to follow instructions, community content and testimonials, as well as relevant links to the more technical aspects of the ecosystem.
Since going live on Sept 9, 2021 to now ( Feb 15, 2022) it has over 450,000 hits; over 5,000 unique visitors; and most impressively, it has an average of over 12 page views per unique visitor (most website average less than 2.5 pages/visitor). So, thanks to all for visiting and for making it top spot on all search engines (except Google because I refuse to register with them ;)).
Peace out and God bless!
ps: I can be reached at: or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions or inquiries.