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- Vitex Wallet Address:
- vite_1c2f290fb811a5e4048ec7f0269998040df4e731da11e88734
- Very Short Reason for Funding:
- Epic-integrated App for those needing extreme privacy, safety, and security.
Why are we asking for funding?
Set up for both Investment and Donations
*As the App launches and becomes financially viable, we will happily repay your principal+ (seen info below)
There is a large sector of our population who can benefit from the financial security of having private, safe, currency. This App represents their best chance at safety in these situations
WalkSafe is an extreme personal safety app created to address the unique needs of high-risk sectors within our society. The App facilitates extreme privacy, BUT is also safety concerns of those in high-risk situations, allowing users to activate/use a variety emergency protocols, depending on their situation, including:
- Epic wallet for access to secure currency
- geo-fencing (alarm is triggered if you DON'T arrive home / work, etc. by a specified time)
- layers of security, drone-aided search-and-rescue
- auto-dial of family/friends, hidden triggers
- factory reset of user’s phone
The App is designed to protect against abuse, human trafficking, date-rape drugs, bullying, and more.
Each of us knows more than one person who is, or has been, the victim of racism, abuse, assault, bullying, date-rape drugs, or human trafficking. You may know who these people are, or you may not. Some people talk about it. Others don't. Most are never seen again.
This project has much groundwork completed, in collaboration with trusted tech, security, and advocacy colleagues. The intense work required to launch the app means that some initial bootstrapping of funds is required.
We have an established network to get this app out quickly and safely to those who need it.
We are looking for funding from multiple sources and would love to have some of that support come from the EPIC community.
If you would like to stay updated, please let me know.
*Please DM me if you would like your contribution to be an investment. As the App launches and becomes financially viable, we will happily repay your principal+. More info (with proper wording) coming soon. (***the fine print: legally we are required to remind you that investment return/dividends are contingent on the App launching and creating profit, which can't be guaranteed).