



EPIC Partnerships, security programs, workshops, wallets

Why are we asking for funding?

Create strategic partnerships for EPIC. 

Create content, facilitate workshops, and reduce risk through online security education.

PLEASE DM me if you would like more information on any of these projects OR if you would like your EPIC contribution to be used for a specific project from the list.

The list is long - and obviously both expensive and time-intensive. This is a list of possibilities. I will execute as many opportunities as possible, but they can’t be accomplished without funding!


CONTENT (so far)

DeFi talks

EPIC wallet workshops

Online Security Education for the EPIC Community

Hard-wired VPN



Talk with organizations like the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation), DefCon, VPN, Online Security Companies

Upcoming opportunities 


In August I will be onsite in Las Vegas with DefCon, EFF, and others. I can start discussions now, and continue them face-to-face.

WALLET WORKSHOPS for 2 business networks (approx 500 people) in June / July


  • Create posts and education - distributed to the Telegram Groups
  • Create - checklists, infographics, and information
  • Spreadsheets for info on: passwords, vpn, password managers, privacy, wallets, etc.

Free ONLINE SECURITY AWARENESS program  - 25 min total (made up of 1-1.5 min videos, a few questions, etc.). 

SCAM JOURNAL in Telegram

  • Sharing stories and experiences. 

SCAM GALLERY in Telegram

  • A place for scam discussion, as well as screenshots of fake profiles and other scams 

NORTHERN FANCON as a trial run for the large ComiCon, FanCon, etc.

This one is very time-consuming, but should yield great results. Creating relationships with the event facilitators so we can get EPIC into the event, networking throughout the event, to create contacts and relationships, contacting / working with venders and attendees after the event.

  • An event similar to San Diego's ComiCon (May 11-13, 2022), but smaller (1000-5000 people). 
  • Northern FanCon will accept Epic at it's on-site store, and at as many booths as I can bring on board. They already have VIP wallets and a vanity token, and the plan is to introduce Epic this year (add it to their VIP wallet), educate attendees throughout the year, and have Epic accepted at booths next year. N FanCon gives wallets and discounts to VIP ticket holders, so the plan is to use EPIC for this perk as well.
  • This con is smaller than the large Canadian FanCon, and the US ComiCon. The plan is to start here, work out the kinks, and then bring this to the bigger cons.

Active since: 27 April 2022 01:18:50Last updated: 7 June 2022 06:35:46

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