Epic-Cash Telegram and website wallet
- Category
- Developer
- Profile Views
- 1151
- Kudos Awarded
- Vitex Wallet Address:
- vite_a2b1215c941983ca9840336935a76da11d5870ac927ed8e6f1
- Optional HTTPS transfer address for Epic Cash GUI or CLI transfers:
- https://blacktyg3r.com/pay
- Very Short Reason for Funding:
- Epic-Cash Telegram and website wallet
Why are we asking for funding?
The goal of the project is to unlock a functional Epic-Cash Wallet managed from Telegram messenger and a website.
Main features:
- Epic-Cash wallet functionality without system requirements
- Cross-platform Telegram and Website interface
- Integration with VITE blockchain (EPIC-002)
- Integration with Native Epic-Cash blockchain
- Instant tips for Telegram users in Epic-Cash
Main Benefits:
- Improve network security by adding more transactions to it
- Create environment to reward content creators
- Help onboard new users with easy and friendly interface
- Help new developers to understand our technology better
Budget for achieving 3 milestones is set to 15 000$.
- First payment of 5 000$ towards Milestone I
- Second payment of 5 000$ towards Milestone II
- Third payment of 5 000$ towards Milestone III
Payment options:
Accepted Cryptocurrencies: EPIC | USDT | BTC
Payment Wallet addresses:
- Epic-Cash (native): https://gateway.vgate.io/gateway/epic-deposit/6097718571
- VITE: vite_a2b1215c941983ca9840336935a76da11d5870ac927ed8e6f1
- ETH/BSC: 0xAC748a6Cb7A6b3fB21124d57cd5c3e3D66Ad5727
- BTC: 1DAjCSXjwAo2pyutyW12TiknQ8JXxGFPW1
Active since: 9 June 2022 18:55:19Last updated: 12 June 2022 20:13:08