Raman Pandwar
- Category
- Content Creator
- Profile Views
- 622
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- Vitex Wallet Address:
- vite_8a3fb2ef74d8845f92fc54f05c45d8ec02b930faf137fc5f74
- Optional HTTPS transfer address for Epic Cash GUI or CLI transfers:
- https://gateway.vgate.io/gateway/epic-deposit/9138073741
- Very Short Reason for Funding:
- African Language Translations
Why are we asking for funding?
I am looking the work of translation and mostly proofreading, so now we are covering the area of Africa. Our African partners have finished their translations and it's time to verify quality of translations. We'll not do it like before but will find native people and execute this work in a professional manner. Each language has 4 files in which we need 20 EPIC for each file and total is 5 languages. Means 80 EPICs are required for one language and if there are 5 languages in total, then 5x80 are required i.e. total 400 EPICs. In this way we will do full proof work.
Active since: 29 May 2023 15:20:38Last updated: 29 May 2023 15:20:38